
A year of Human And Friendly

Written by Cindy Vargas | May 30, 2020 7:20:21 AM

A dream come true, which materialized into a project thanks to the work of the HF team and the contribution of partners and customers: a year has already passed since the inauguration of our HFiltration green area and we would like to update you on our #HumanAndFriendly project.

The forest is growing and thriving, the seedlings strengthen their roots every day and soon they will become well rooted trees. We will take care of them for six more years, then the HF forest will become autonomous and we will be proud to have made it grow together with our work.


Thanks to the advice of our experts, we know that the HF forest, made up of maples, limes, hawthorns and many other native species, today absorbs 15 kg of CO2 per day approx; we are therefore able to estimate that the park will absorb in the next 6 years between 67 kg and 100 kg of CO2 every day, under the patronage of the Consorzio Parco Alto Milanese.

"Clean air is our mission", comments Saverio Romeo, Sales and Marketing Director of HFiltration S.r.l. " We thank all the customers and partners who have seen in this project not only an initiative for the environment, but a constructive way of working and growing together, doing business ethically. This is why we are proud to be HF ".

"Taking care of the environment is our job and what we do best; companies that choose us as partners and suppliers have the opportunity to do something concrete for the environment. " states HF’s CEO , Monica Prandi.