Activated carbon filtration is an air purification technology by which a gas stream is deprived of pollutants simply by passing through a bed of a material with very high porosity and specific surface area that absorbs unwanted molecules.
These filters are equipped with exceptional technology but, as with anything, one must take care of them. Nothing is forever, and unfortunately, even activated carbon is not immortal and will have to be replaced sooner or later.
This air filtration system aims to break down VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), a class that includes different chemical compounds
We at HFiltration, introduce you to the 'innovative maintenance system for activated carbon filters that guarantees a radical regeneration of the filter. Until now, this step was done through a manual action that was rather dangerous, both for the environment and for the operators. After careful study, we have taken the filter cleaning technique to a safer level, thanks to a handy vacuum cleaner that will do "the dirty work" for us.
Indicatively, the vacuum is capable of vacuuming 1m3/h, or 1 Big-bag of 1000kg in one hour, thus ensures a more professional and less tiring efficiency than a manual action, guarantees a more thorough cleaning, less fatigue for maintenance workers, less risk and no leakage so no harm to the environment.
Il nostro nuovo aspiratore fa parte del servizio HF Service, l’assistenza predittiva “no stress” a prezzi chiari e costanti, per mantenere in perfetta efficienza i sistemi di filtrazione nel tempo: pulizia, verifiche e controlli distribuiti su tre pacchetti vantaggiosi.
Our new vacuum cleaner is part of HF Service, the predictive "no-stress" service at clear and constant prices to keep filtration systems in perfect working order over time: cleaning, checks and controls spread over three advantageous packages.
Discover them and be inspired by HFiltration projects!
Developing new technologies that can improve air quality while respecting the environment, minimizing waste, and your business, preserving machine efficiency and protecting the health of operators, is the basis of our mission.
"Nothing is forever, but we are committed to making it so."